24.25 Academic Calendar This is the printable academic calendar. For the most up-to-date information subscribe to our Google Calendar.
Volunteer Hours Log Families can log hours via this Google Form.
Parent Volunteer Survey: Please fill out the form to help connect with a volunteer opportunity.
Current Student Transcript Request: Please turn this form into the school office.
Alumni Transcript Request: Please turn this form into the school office.
Financial Assistance Program: Information sheet about the financial aid process
Daily Schedule (Mon.-Fri.)
7:15 am - Building open for student drop-offs.
7:35 am - First Period Bell
9:50-10:00 am - Break
12:15 - 12:45 pm - Mass
12:45 - 1:20 pm - Lunch and Lyceum
2:45 pm - Final Bell
School Uniform Policy
School uniforms can be ordered from SchoolBelles or Lands End. Complete uniform details are in the handbook or here.
Keep in mind:
Blazers are mandatory for Mass and certain events.
Embroidered Items and Skirts may take up to 10 weeks.
Choir Uniforms
Ladies’ Choir Attire
Black floor length formal dress, style #8655 Sarina Girls (scooped neckline not sweetheart). Must be purchased from Stage Accents at www.stageaccents.com.
Flat, solid black ballet-flat style shoes, no heel.
Men’s Choir Attire
Black dress pants and suit coat, white dress shirt (not oxford) and solid black bow tie (no pattern).
Solid black, mid calf, dress socks.
Black dress shoes
Gentlemen may purchase a tuxedo from Stage Accents, the Premier Tuxedo Ensemble #ENSB
House Swag
Students can order House swag to wear during House Days and Competitions. House Colors must be visible at all times.